Toddler Montessori Admission Procedure

Age Group – 14 months (minimum) to 2.5 years
Curriculum – Practical Life, Psycho-sensory Motor development, Language, Science (nature),
Art (Drawing, Painting, Music, Movement, Craft), Food Preparation
Workdays: Monday – Friday
Timings: 9:15 am to 12:15 pm
Office hours – 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

Little Peepal Montessori accepts new admissions thrice a year – in January, July, and for
Vijayadasami (September / October). Applications may be submitted from 3 months before
admission date. It is ideal if the child is at least 14 months old and must be able to walk
independently on the joining date given by the school after admission procedures are

1) Call on any weekday between 9 am & 4 pm to make an appointment and to take a tour of
the facility. The Time and Date for appointment will be sent by email and/or intimated through
a phone call. The meeting and tour will be scheduled on a weekday afternoon between 12:30
&1:30 pm. We require both parents to be present for the meeting and tour. The child is not
allowed to be a part of the tour.

2) At the meeting you will need to fill in an enquiry form which will give us preliminary details of
the parents and the child. Thereafter, parents will be taken on a tour by one of our certified
Montessori adults who will explain how the Toddler community works and the different areas
of learning.

To enroll your child:
3) Submit the filled in Application Form with the application fee at the school office along with a
copy of the child’s Birth certificate and 5 passport photos.

4) Details of Fee payment and last date to make payment will be given. Please ask us about the
different modes of payment we accept.

5) After payment is received, a confirmation of Child’s admission will be conveyed over phone
as well as through email. The email will also give you the date for Parent Orientation & Briefing
along with information for the first day of joining. Kindly note that we give the date of joining
on a first-come-first-serve basis only.

6) The Parent Orientation & Briefing will be scheduled a few days before the date of joining
given for each child. It is mandatory for both parents to attend this meeting without exception.
In the long term absence of any one parent, any other primary care person at home will need to
attend this meeting along with the parent. We will need prior intimation for this to be
acceptable, and if not, the meeting and joining date for the child will have to be postponed to
the next available slot. Kindly note that the child is not allowed to attend the Orientation &