Our School

Founded upon Montessori principles, Little Peepal came into existence seeking to provide a nurturing and child-centric education for your precious little ones. The place is abuzz with children calmly moving about and learning from everyone and everything in the environment, just as the leaves of the Peepal tree are always moving even when there is no apparent breeze.

Dr. Montessori believed that education must attend to the potential of the child, the limits of which are unknown.  Every child is born with the immense potential that he needs in order to develop himself. He will absorb everything from environment around him – the people, relationships, animals, and objects – and create himself. Therefore, when the conditions surrounding the child are good and prepared for his development, he in turn adapts and develops into an individual who has a life-long love for learning.

Little Peepal takes meticulous care in preparing a dynamic environment every day to provide for the children’s need. We are always aware that a child is never too young to be exposed to new things since his powers of absorption are indiscriminate and limitless. It is the responsibility of the adults to create a positive environment from which he will learn. We strive to ensure that the conditions are optimal for each child’s ability to fully express themselves verbally and physically through work. 

During the early years (till the age of 6 years), the child absorbs everything around him and these impressions are ensconced in the mind by his experiences in the environment. This is the basis from which the child develops his spirit, personality, values and character. And so, at Little Peepal, the adults and educators put aside their personal state of mind and ego, and address the needs of the children before everything else.

Little Peepal Montessori believes in helping children develop into free and disciplined individuals who have the curiosity and exploratory mind to observe, ask questions and understand through self-propelled work.

The Peepal tree, is known as the “Tree of Enlightenment” (bodhi maram) under which Gautama Buddha got enlightenment. In that spirit, we definitely hope to help children establish strong roots of knowledge for life.


AMI Certified Montessori Educator & Founder, Little Peepal Montessori